
From the Dealing Desk- January 2018

It’s time to get going again with our newsletter and to provide the reader with some ideas or food for thought. In our last newsletter we referred to Shoprite as a possible trading idea with the possibility of a move higher in the short term based on a strengthening in currency due to political change. […]

From the Dealing Desk- December 2017

As we near the ANC conference next week it’s important to note that we could see huge volatility in the ZAR. This could have a meaningful impact on the equities market. My suggestion would be to keep a balanced portfolio and to keep in mind that the market will act emotionally but life will go […]

From the Dealing Desk -November 2017

From the dealing desk The instrument we are looking at this week is the Alsi 40 near dated future. The Alsi has been an index of two halves with commodities and Naspers moving higher and retail and financial shares moving sideways or lower. The Alsi looks like it is in the beginning of a consolidation […]

From the Dealing Desk – Investing in Food Producers

Food producers have been under severe pressure lately with the drought and the weak economic factors at play. The failure of government also providing clear policy regarding agriculture and farming and also failure to subsidise or support farmers have all made this sector a bit of a messy one to analyse. Currency fluctuations will also […]

JSE Allshare Trend Up

The State of the Allshare – October 2017

The Allshare Index trend is Up on the weekly analysis and still has a Weak price relative to the Dow Jones Industrial index.   It currently trades below its 50 week moving average of 54607.86 which would form the short term support level in the case of a pullback. Overview of the Allshare Index Recent […]